Ubed. No foam mattress.

That you are reading this now is a consequence of the shortcomings of the many mattresses people sleep on every day. Time for a better alternative. We take you through our search.

"Foam? You really can't do that anymore."

The mattress industry is and remains extremely polluting. In the Netherlands alone, around 1.6 million mattresses ended up on the streets.

Besides the fact that little effort was made to give mattresses a second life, according to Frans de la Haye it was mainly a result of the mattresses themselves.

For example, almost all mattresses lack ventilation and hygiene, have a short lifespan and are difficult to recycle.

The solution is 3D polyester

A mattress without foam was a requirement. Not easy, because you will find foam in almost every mattress.

However: foam easily absorbs moisture and heat, cannot be cleaned, is prone to pitting and can only be downcycled.

After many test, we found 3D polyester. This has excellent moisture and air permeability, can be cleaned, is resilient and is 100% recyclable.

"Ubed, No foam mattress"

Now we are here. There is no foam in any Ubed mattress, and that is a good thing.

Your mattress is now just cool enough, can be cleaned in an instant and has a longer lifespan. Without sacrificing comfort.

Does the story continue with you now?

Our creators promise this to you

Infinite, hygienic mattress

We won't get into how many bacteria and fungi. A Ubed mattress is easy to clean yourself, this is hygienic and good for your skin and allergies.

Everything about hygiene

Ideal sleeping temperature

With a tested mattress at 2 degrees cooler than foam, our mattresses stay at the perfect temperature according to scientific research. Sleep longer, deeper and recapture your sleep quality.

Everything about temperature

Enjoy it 5 years longer

At Ubed, you won't be looking for a new mattress any time soon. In fact, all our layers are easy to replace, so you can extend their lifespan. The old parts? They are recyclable.